Sunday, February 26, 2012

Views of Appalachia
"Appalaysha" or "Appalatcha"?
Who knows?

In the video, you're able to see that there are extremely opinionated views and ideas from Ohio University students about what they believe Appalachia to be. Throughout of interview process, we asked three specific questions: How do you define Appalachia? Do you consider yourself Appalachian? and What can the University and students do in order to improve the relationship between the students and the townspeople? Our interviewees (from left to right) Mark, Jack, Chris, and Mike, provide the listeners with actual opinions from actual students. It is also interesting to consider that several of these men are truly born in the Appalachian region and still have completely biased opinions when it comes to being considered Appalachian. So pay close attention! Also, Jack mentions critical points at the end of the interview claiming that there are actual clubs and organizations on campus that are to initiate communication and involvement between students and townspeople. Did you know that?

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