Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Community Literacy- Roomates Become Family

Graduation with my parents. 
When you’re a senior in high school, typically all you can think about is graduation, moving out, and becoming an independent adult. College seems like a vacation due to all the movies portraying college as one big party. When I arrived to Ohio University with my family’s SUV packed full, I can remember feeling the excitement nearly pouring out of me. I couldn't wait for the all the people I was about to meet, and all of the friendships that were going to be made. After saying goodbye to my parents, I made my way up to the fourth floor of Mackinnion Hal, sat on my new bed, and I remember a feeling of confusion take over. I didn't know what to do with myself, and all the new freedom I had. Anxiously awaiting the arrival of my roommates, I began decorating my room with the relationships I had formed in high school, and my family.

Mackinnion Hall, my home away from home. 
As I heard the door open, I wondered which of the two roommates I was assigned had just walked in. Before even introducing herself, I knew it was my roommate Kate Verner because of all the Facebook conversations we had shared over the summer. After she settled in and said goodbye to her parents, we found ourselves sharing the first of many conversations. At that point, I knew I was going to get along with Kate just fine. Again as the door opened, I met my second roommate, Katelyn Lilly. She and Kate were both very friendly, and I remember thinking about how comfortable I had already felt with complete strangers. Over the course of our freshman year, we have formed an unbreakable bond between the three of us. They became my new family.

     During fall quarter, we did everything together. We were inseparable. I knew I was blessed with good roommates because that can determine a lot during your freshman year. I had witnessed many girls on my floor struggle with their roommate situations, causing them extreme unhappiness. As the course of the year has played out, we formed our own friendships with others outside of our family. However, it has never been an issue because we know that no matter what, we have each other.
Kate(left) and Lilly(right)

This year has been a blast, and it is one that will be unforgettable. Through triumphs and failures, I have had a beautiful new family to support me and encourage me be the best.  My freshman year would not have been so wonderful, had it not been these two ladies I met this year. They quickly became my friends, they quickly became my family. They are my community here at Ohio University, and will continue to be for the years to come. 

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