Ohio University is known as one of the top most haunted places on Earth. One of the main reasons it’s classified as one of the most haunted places is because of Wilson Hall. Wilson Hall is said to be the most haunted place on campus (besides the ridges) and was featured in “Scariest Places on Earth” (http://youtu.be/Kxzf26Aw5iQ). Back in 1981, a resident who lived in Wilson Hall committed suicide because they claim they were haunted by the ghost of Wilson. The ghost of Wilson was said to be a student of Ohio University who went to the ridges and touched the permanent stain left by Margaret Schilling after she disappeared in 1979. After that, things have never been the same. She returned back to the dorm and her dorm mates noticed something different about her, like something was wrong but they just didn’t know what it was. A few weeks later, she ended up cutting her wrist and writing demonic symbols all over the wall and she ended up dying in the room. They closed the room and reopened it the next year and the blood started seeping through the walls. They continued to close the room and open it a year after and everything repeated. The so called “haunted room” is located on the 4th floor room 428 which is now a boiler room. One night we actually got to step inside of the room ourselves because the door just happened to be propped open. When we went inside, everyone said they had chills and we all instantly got a weird vibe that we were being watched. As we walked farther in the room, we heard loud banging noises but didn’t really think much of it because we thought it was a boiler room. But when we left, one of our dorm mates claim they were pulling the door closed and it was slammed from the other side. Wilson also supposedly sits dead-center in the middle of the five “pentagram cemeteries" around Athens and is built on top of ancient Indian burial grounds which adds to the fact that Wilson is haunted. We actually live there and it’s really not as bad as it’s portrayed.
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