Virginia Di Tata had to experience what a lot of kids have to with a parent in a certain line of work. In her writing of A Bridge Between Two Cultures she explains how she had to move from her catholic school to Venezuela after her father took a job offering there. She begins in explains how she did not want to leave the christian school in the states because she grew up with the kids and did not want change. Virginia also explains how difficult and how different the two cultures where and how is was so hard for her to adjust to the new culture. However she explains after making attempts at getting to know the new culture she became immersed in it and started to feel at home after joining the swim team and making friends. After leaving and going back to the states she explains how the people she once new had changed and were not the same to her. After seeing her two old best friends she realizes it was time to move on from the old days and even considers her life in Venezuela was the good old days for her now. The last thought she leaves us is how this experience helped her transition to the life of a college student at Boston University.
In reading this text made me think of the exact same feeling I was faced with in the transition from my small town high school to large notorious university in Athens Ohio. When graduating from my high school in Medina county Ohio I was faced with the bitter sweet reality that it was the begging of a major change in my life. Also in this moment i realized I would be leaving my best friends. The friends I shed blood sweat and tears with in the sports of my high school and the friends I spent nearly everyday with. I can remember the exact day I left for my new life in Athens Ohio. That day all my friends met up at the local pizza shop for a last get together it was a happy yet bitter sweet atmosphere because everyone knew it would be the last time it would be like the old days. Yet that day I realized it was time to move on and start me new life.
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I am a 21 now by the way.(safe) |
In coming to Ohio University it was a hard change from the norm in northeast Ohio. After time went by I was able to start come out of my comfort zone start to connect with my new friends and make my college experiences a goods ones. I can say the south beach in front of Crawford hall have become my new front yard and the dining halls have become my new kitchen. This beautiful campus has become my new home for me and rarely do I ever want to leave this place. The new bonds I have formed with the people I have met are stronger than ever and are unbreakable. I can say these four years are going to be the best four years of my life!